We have made it into the amazing and still terrible year of Two Thousand, Twenty-Two. While the year may still suck, the anime at its beginning, for the most part, did not! Let’s enjoy this final catch-up post!
Category: Reviews
This is where you will find ewink’s FUNKDAFIED anime recommendations and reviews! It’s a cool place filled with pictures and bad jokes!
We’re getting close to having all the seasons caught up! Are you getting tired of
Hey! Thanks for sticking with me, senpai! I hope you’ve enjoyed these posts. I worry
Welcome back! Today’s catch-up post is kind of special because it more than likely contains
Welcome back! Here we have what I consider the top five anime of the Winter
Happy Monday! Welcome to the first real post since I moved the site over to
Socially distant recommendations and reviews for the Summer 2020 season!
I am going to tell you about the six anime from the Spring 2020 season that I recommend you watch, and why I think you should watch them!
These are just my opinion, and if you disagree with me, that’s fine. I am okay with you being wrong. Let’s get started.
Finally, we get to the final one of these stupid things, the fourth and most important review and recommendation post for the summer of 2019!
It’s time for part three of my summer of ’19 reviews and recommendations. You know, I once called these things simply recommendations because why would I talk about shows that I’m not recommending?