Part two of my summer reviews and recommendations have arrived! Did you think I would forget or get distracted? You’d likely be right except that I wrote these all up on the same night to make sure I wouldn’t.
Category: Reviews
This is where you will find ewink’s FUNKDAFIED anime recommendations and reviews! It’s a cool place filled with pictures and bad jokes!
Welcome to the first ‘recommendations’ post since – well, last year, but also since we moved from my personal domain to our own .moe domain. This summer we’re having a problem which, in my opinion, is a good problem to have.
So this past summer I put myself into a situation where I had not one,
This season, there isn’t too much of a stretch as there are a couple of shows that are supernatural in nature, a couple of romances, and one that includes Goblins engaging in sexual assault.
Insofar that the Winter anime season was about Cute Girls Doing Cute Things (CGDCT), this season is about magic girls – some of which are just magic and some of which are actually girls.
The main reason for this is the absolute ridiculous cuteness of the anime this year. Unlike a lot of the anime that comes along and runs for a season or two, the really good ones this winter are Slice of Life anime.
Summer’s here, and I guess almost over with. Unless of course, you live in the southern hemisphere. If that’s the case, please disregard this and come back in five months. Anyway, what better way to spend it than by staying inside and watching subtitled anime straight from Japan!
I believe the summer of love was the summer of 69. I’m not sure what year that happened. (The adults know what I did here… Lewd…) What does the summer of love have to do with anything?
Trinity Seven (which will henceforth be known as T7) is a finished (but with a movie!) school-based harem rom-com that has all of the common tropes a school-based harem rom-com would have.