So this week, like the last two years of weeks, I am not going to
Category: Twitter Tuesday
Hey, I haven’t done one of these Twitter Tuesday things in a while, so why
I just post random posts I find using the search term anime, but today I’m dropping some cosplay posts from last weekend’s Emerald City Comic Con!
Wow, two posts in one day? What in the world, I know, right?! It’s the least I could do after being out for as long as I was. Enjoy these anime-inspired Tweets. I’m not sure if I’m going to have a post ready for Wayback Wednesday or not yet. Maybe I’ll just repost one of the reposts?
I do occasionally like to talk politics as could be seen in my multiple thousand (by which I mean five or so) posts on politics in the United States this last year.
Holy crap the time just flies by. I’m really doing this post last-minute as I have discovered that when you actually go out and do things, the weekend goes much, much faster.