
I generally don’t make resolutions on January 1st. The way I look at it, the first of January is too arbitrary of a point for making drastic life changes. Generally, I do my resolutions on April 22 – when I have physically completed a full orbit around the sun, in relation to the day when I actually began to exist.
That said, I will go ahead and make some resolutions this New Year’s Day. Why? Why not.
They are, in a random order determined by punching myself in the penis:
Become Less Fat
Easy enough, right? Well, I think the key to this one will be to lower and eventually eliminate my obsession with carbonated beverages. We’ll see.
Watch More Anime (Get a TV)
This one seems to contradict the previous one, however, I never resolved to get into shape or become a triathlete. Getting in shape is the result of exercise. Getting less fat is the result of diet.
Regardless, I still have a TV sitting in my living room that has a cathode ray tube. If you were born after 2000, I am fairly certain you don’t even know what that is. Regardless, it’s junk, doesn’t work, and needs to be replaced. I also have two (yes, two) VCRs. Why? Fuck if I know. Regardless, they’re crying out to be replaced by Roku.
Anyway, as I was tweeting out earlier…
I have a ton of anime on my watch list, and I need to watch them. I think what keeps me from binge-watching anything is the lack of a decent chair at my desk and the fact I need to use my computer and my 17″ LCD, rather than watching them in 4K glory on a 45″ plasma beast.
I’ve also discovered the glory that is archiving my DVDs so they can be accessed via my computer.
Need a recliner too.
Blog More
I really and wanting to be more creative and have more of a ‘practical resume’ when it comes to writing. As such, I need to blog more, write some anime reviews (and other shows), and see what happens.
Bitch Less
Russian advocate Donald Trump will be president. There is literally nothing I can do about that. There’s no point in me bitching about such things anymore. Need to take more of a ‘Meh’ approach to life.
Fix Work
I’m unhappy at work. I need to fix that. I don’t know how, but I resolve to figure that out.
So how many of these will I do? Well, considering I just ate a whole pizza for dinner, the first one seems like it will be the hardest one to do. Guess we’ll see how I’ve progressed on this when I do my hardcore resolutions on April 22!
See you then!
Oh wait, I’m blogging more. Well, see you soon?