Twitter Tuesday #5

Twitter Tuesday #5

Wow, two posts in one day? What in the world, I know, right?! It’s the least I could do after being out for as long as I was. Enjoy these anime-inspired Tweets. I’m not sure if I’m going to have a post ready for Wayback Wednesday or not yet. Maybe I’ll just repost one of the reposts?



I’ve been making a point to avoid any new political posts on here as I’ve been wanting to keep it a fun, stupid blog devoted to anime girls and the occasional ill-informed Game of Thrones post. However I cannot keep silent about what’s happened over this past week, and 421A is my outlet to express myself. So I will.

Wayback Wednesday! #3

Wayback Wednesday! #3

Summer’s here, and I guess almost over with. Unless of course, you live in the southern hemisphere. If that’s the case, please disregard this and come back in five months. Anyway, what better way to spend it than by staying inside and watching subtitled anime straight from Japan!